Contains principles and requirements for the competence, consistency, and impartiality of bodies providing audit and certification of all types of management systems (e.g. quality management systems, environmental management systems among others).
Certification bodies operating to ISO/IEC 17025:2015 do not need to offer all types of management system certification. This standard is intended for use by certification bodies and accreditation bodies. Certification of management systems is a third-party conformity assessment activity and bodies performing this activity are therefore third-party conformity assessment bodies.
There has been strong interest from organizations using FSSC 22000 certification for an opportunity to integrate food quality management in the scope of their certification. To meet this demand, the Board of Stakeholders (BoS) decided on 24 February 2015 to add the full ISO 9001 standard to the FSSC 22000 certification scheme, offering a combined FSSC 22000 and ISO 9001 certificate. As of 1 March 2015, FSSC 22000 and ISO 9001 can be assessed as an integrated management system called FSSC 22000-Quality audited by accredited CBs licensed by FSSC 22000.
The FSSC 22000 Integrity program provides oversight of both FSSC 22000 and ISO 9001 to give confidence in the CB assessment and integration of the 2 management system standards. The integrated management system of FSSC 22000 with ISO 9001 is in line with ISO’s current revision of management system standards. Only licensed CBs by FSSC 22000 can certify FSSC 22000-Quality.
Food quality certification falls outside of the GFSI benchmarking process and recognition. Nonetheless, FSSC 22000 will apply all its existing and future GFSI and ISO-based requirements to the certification process for good governance and integrity ensuring confidence in the FSSC 22000-Quality option. This means, as a start, that CBS, offering FSSC 22000- Quality, shall be licensed by FSSC 22000, accredited for ISO 9001, and auditors shall meet all relevant competence requirements.