At the national level, the mandate of the Program is to increase access and demand for nutrition services and strengthen nutrition commodity management. In addition to cascading these activities at county levels, the program works with Feed the Future partners in the counties of Busia, Tharaka Nthi, Kitui, Samburu and Marsabit to improve food and nutrition security.In addition, the program is collaborating with other USAID Partners in the counties of Busia, Tharaka Nthi, Kitui and Samburu to implement maternal, ne wborn and child health activities that aim at ending preventable child and maternal deaths through ensuring a greater effect for women and children under two years with regards to nutrition. The program supports expansion of nutrition assessment counselling and support (NACS) services beyond HIV through provision of technical support to roll-out NACS to include High-Impact Nutrition Interventions (HiNi) to improve access and demand for quality nutrition interventions at community and facility levels. NHPplus engages with stakeholders to create a heightened profile for nutrition and strengthen budgeting, planning and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It uses a multisectoral approach to integrate maternal, infant and young child nutrition with agrinutrition and WASH activities through the Baby Friendly Community Initiative. To strengthen nutrition commodity management, the program works to improve the outcomes of all interventions by ensuring efficiencies in nutrition commodity procurement, management and distribution while addressing quality control and safety of nutrition products procured through the program.